Monday, March 22, 2010

Mission: Accomplished...sort of

So the day went well overall. Things looked great by the end. I had no problem with people not trusting me. But from a fashion standpoint there were a few mishaps.

First, here's what I wore. I apologize for the "meh" picture. I had my dad take it and I didn't want to say "It's for a blog so it needs to be perfect." I'm not sure exactly why but I'm keeping this blog personal for a while. In a week or two I will begin sharing with friends and family but I'd like to get a bit more settled.

Mishap #1: I chickened out on the boots. I felt they looked a little silly. The skirt was not the right length and they were not the right fit. Perhaps I will try them in the future. Instead I opted for a pair of brown flats. I think it was a good choice. It was a bit more professional and it felt more like me. A flowy skirt and ballet slippers? That's how I spent 15 years of my life when all I did was dance. I felt youthful, feminine, cute. I felt more like myself than I would have in boots.

Mishap #2: I've had an issue with this skirt because the back is always higher than the front. I put it on right. The tag goes in the back, zipper on my left side. I assumed it just didn't provide my room for my ample booty. My mom noticed and said try to spin it. I thought ok. I will spin you and show that its just because I have a butt...My mom was right. I spun it so the zipper was in the back and the tag was on my right. Bizarre but my mom said it looked world's better. So, while trying to choose an outfit that would inspire respect. I wore my skirt backwards all day.

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